
Innovative solutions for safer dreams

Committed To Sustainability And Climate Action

American Family Insurance recognizes climate change is causing broad environmental, social and economic impacts that put our customers, communities and industry at risk. In 2020, we signed the "We Are Still In (Opens in a new tab)" pledge, as a part of our Sustainability and Climate Action Strategy, a commitment to meet to requirements laid out by the Paris Climate Accord, and encouraged other companies to do the same. We support the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which committed 197 countries, including the U.S., to work together to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius by limiting greenhouse gas emissions and investing in renewable energy.
A roof with solar panels on it

Goal One: Carbon Neutrality

By 2030, American Family Insurance will achieve carbon neutrality across all Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

By conducting annual greenhouse gas emission (GHG) inventories, we have established a roadmap to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. We will reduce our calculated carbon footprint to zero through a combination of internal efficiency measures and pursuing external emission reduction projects. Progress will be tracked on a 2019 base year. Initiatives that fall under this section of the strategy aim to directly mitigate our carbon emissions.

A view of American Family Insurance HQ with the pond in the foreground

Goal Two: Environmental Stewardship

By 2025, American Family Insurance will integrate environmentally conscious tactics and educational influence across the organization.

We believe it is our corporate responsibility to support the responsible usage of our resources and protect the environmental health of the communities in which we operate. Initiatives that fall under this section of the strategy aim to integrate sustainability standards across our internal land management, water management, design and construction, and leasing strategies.

Learn More About Our Commitment To Sustainability And Climate Action

View Our CDP Submissions And Our TCFD Report

View 2021 CDP Submission


View 2022 CDP Submission


View 2022 TCFD Report


View 2023 CDP Submission


View 2023 TCFD Report


View 2024 TCFD Report

Our Dream For A Zero-Waste Future

American Family Insurance has an ambitious goal to achieve zero waste by 2025 to help make a meaningful difference for our communities, our environment and the people we serve. When we responsibly manage our waste and reduce our environmental impact, we create healthier and safer communities – the places our employees and customers call home.

In 2020, we implemented centralized waste collection systems throughout our buildings, removing individual trash bins from employee desks and installing sorting stations in common areas. This change was an efficient way to put the power of recycling into the hands of our colleagues, empowering us as individuals to help our planet.

Managing Our Diverse Resources

We recognize our connection to the environment. Our goal is stewardship of our land resources to benefit a sustainable future for our employees, communities and customers. American Family uses best practices in design, restoration and maintenance to manage our diverse land resources. We also partner with local universities, industry professionals and our own specialists to convert some areas into native lands, which helps protect wildlife, harnesses carbon underground and provides a natural environment for employees and customers. We're striving for 25% native landscape at our properties nationwide by 2030 and we're nearly halfway to meeting that goal.

92 Residential Households

Residential households that could be powered by American Family’s 2020 renewable energy production for one year
logo, company name

10 of 15 Buildings

Owned buildings tracking waste metrics

12 Charging Stations

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

23% Emissions Reduction

Reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions due to decreased facility energy use, fleet vehicle use and corporate jet use, compared to 2019.

Additional Environmental Initiatives

a butterfly on a flower

Ongoing Wildlife Management

American Family is proud to continue several wildlife programs, including management of Eastern Bluebird nesting boxes, bat boxes and monarch butterfly waystations, monitoring birds near building locations to help reduce collisions, providing habitat for grassland nesting animals, and more.
a field of grass with buildings in the background

Innovation and Best Practices

Using best practices such as prescribed burns, invasive species control with traditional animal grazing as well as forestry mowing, we’ve effectively restored our national headquarters’ landscapes to their full potential. In partnership with the University of Wisconsin-Madison we plan to study carbon storage on each of our land use types. And we’ve effectively mapped each of our sites to more effectively evaluate our asset management and inform decisions for future changes.
shape, arrow

Certifiably Sustainable

Sustainability was an important factor when designing our Spark building in downtown Madison, Wis. The state-of-the art building, completed in 2018, was recognized in 2020 by the United States Green Building Council for achieving Leadership in Environment, Energy and Design (LEED) v4.0 Gold Certification.


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